Sunday, August 15, 2010

New Zealand

Hi everybody,

I've decided to start talking about something a love dearly. New Zealand. Although I haven't really been there before, I can't forget it since watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy. It has rather become an obsession. Pretty creapy huh? :p
And I know, this is rather classic, for many have discovered New Zealand this way, but it's a real life changer. I never thought a country could offer soo much! From deserts to high cold frosty mountains. A young country with already so much history. The nature is stunning and the people are very nice. The Maori culture and history are really interesting and the settlers have changed a lot as well (either good and bad). Love to backpack through it. Has anyone done that? Travelled through NZ? Please tell me about it and maybe you even have some pictures to share?

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